Courtesy of the Library of Courtesy of the Library of the Jewish Theological the Jewish Theological Seminary of America 51 Seminary of America 123 The book Zohar, the 7 The Kabbalah Denudata. Courtesy of the Library ofAmerica xiv the Jewish Theological Seminary of America 362 The ancient Sefer Yezira (The Book of Creation, 6 An amulet designed to Latin translation, repel the power of Lilith.

Courtesy of America 28The Library of the Jewish 5 A Latin schematic drawing of the ten divineTheological Seminary of emanations, the sefirot. Illustrations1 A Latin translation of Library of the JewishShaaey Ora (“The Gates Theological Seminary ofof Light”). 355 2005296.1'6-dc22 2005017169987654321Printed in the United States of Americaon acid-free paperĬontents Illustrations VII Preface IX1 Kabbalah: The Term and Its Meanings 12 Ancient Jewish Mysticism and the Emergence of the Kabbalah 113 The Kabbalah in the Middle Ages 254 Main Ideas of the Medieval Kabbalah 375 Modern Times I: The Christian Kabbalah 616 Modern Times II: Safed and the Lurianic Kabbalah 717 Modern Times III: The Sabbatian Messianic Movement 858 Modern and Contemporary Hasidism 939 Some Aspects of Contemporary Kabbalah 103Further Reading 113Index 119 V No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior permission of Oxford University Press.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataDan, Joseph, 1935– Kabbalah : a very short introduction / Joseph Dan.

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