The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Ridder Clan Mod v.3.01 If the above links aren't working for some reason, The Smoking Man also uploaded these files on Mediafire (thank you): Download BFME 1. The Lord Of The Ring Battle For Middle Earth 2 The Rise of Witch King is the strategy computer game which has been developed by Electronic Arts. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. You can also download Lord Of The Ring Conquest from our site. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love.

LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 1, 2 and Rise of the Witch King. Too expensive to buy the disc on ebay now. Summary: Full of new content, including an entirely new faction, a completely new single player campaign, and additional units for all six existing factions, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II, The Rise of the Witch-King, allows players to explore the evil side of Middle-earth. The mind blowing game The Lord Of The Ring The Battle For Middle Earth 2 freeload will allow you to lead the Angmar’s army and to prepare them for initiating the attack upon Arnor. Your mission is to tear apart Arnor’s Army in the battle of Fornost. Please note: To download and play The Rise of the Witch-king, you must have a copy of the base game installed on your PC which is The Lord of the Rings: The. You need to come up with different strategies in order to bamboozle the opponent and take charge of the area that Arnor is holding. With spell bounding graphics and some very catchy sounds this game is surely a treat to play. The game has received positive response from the critics as well as from the players as it is a great exercise for your brain as you need to come up with new strategies every now and then in order to survive. Lord Of The Rings War In The North is another game from this series. Features of The Lord Of The Ring Battle For Middle Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch Kingįollowing are the main features of Lord Of The Ring Battle For Middle Earth Rise of Witch King that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.